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School Day

All Saints CE Primary Logo



The school gate opens at 8.40am




8.45am-11.45am - Morning session

12.30pm-3.30pm - Afternoon session




8.55am - Registration

9.00am-11.45am - Teaching time

11.45am-1.00pm - Lunchtime

1.00pm-3.30pm - Teaching time                            


KS1 and KS2


8.55am - Registration

9.00am-10.45am - Teaching time (including worship and phonics/reading)

10.45am-11.00am - Break

11.00am -12.00pm - Teaching time

12.00pm-1.00pm - Lunch

1.00-3.30pm - Teaching time (including maths recall and class story time)

3.30pm - Close of the school day


Number of school hours in a typical week – 32 hours 55 minutes


Breakfast club runs from 7.45am-8.45am


Afterschool club runs from 3.30pm-5.30pm



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