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School News

All Saints CE Primary Logo

Sporty Week

This week some of our year 5 and 6 children participated in an indoor athletics competition at Aldersley Stadium. They took part in a range of track and field events including relay races, chest push, javelin long jump and triple jump. The children all performed extremely well and gained second place overall – well done.

The children are thoroughly enjoying the different sporting clubs on offer this half term and it’s lovely to see all the clubs full. The clubs will change as we go through the year to give all the children a chance at trying something new.

Next Thursday, the children who attend breakfast club will get a free tennis taster session (in the school hall) and this may be something we introduce on a permanent basis.

On Friday another group of year 6 children will be completing the sports leadership training course so they can help run clubs for the younger children at lunchtimes.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Jane Woodall

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