Caring and Achieving with Jesus at our side
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Our Governors
All Saints’ CE Primary School, Trysull is part of St Bartholomew’s CE Multi-Academy Trust. Annual accounts and information relating to the Directors and Members are published on the Trust's website.
Our Local Governing Board (LGB)
Mr Scott Smith - Chair of Governors
Mrs Vicky Harris - Vice-Chair
Miss Katie Davies - Headteacher
Revd Richard Fisher - Foundation Governor
Miss Mary Herman-Smith - Appointed Governor
Ms Nichola Parker - Appointed Governor
Caroline (Ann) Stone - Foundation Governor
Natalie Abel - Parent Governor
Mrs Maisie Shuttleworth - Staff Governor
Helen Langford - Parent Governor
David Steel - Appointed Governor
Our LGB meets at least once a term. The dates for these meetings can be found in the documents below, as can our LGB constitution (names and categories of Governors).
The Role of the LGB
LGBs deal with all operational matters with specific focus on teaching and learning; strategic issues (including budget) are considered by the Trust Board.
The only LGB sub-committee in operation is the Governors’ Pay Committee which will consist of any three non-staff Governors without a conflict of interest. The LGB Pay Committee will agree a Chair for the meeting. They will consider matters relating to the pay of school staff (not including the HT or Assistant Heads (AHT)).
Trust staff pay matters (those relating to the CEO and the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO)), and leadership pay matters (HT) are considered by the Directors’ Pay Committee and is therefore not a matter for the LGB.
All our Governors have voting rights.